Fishing Report 9 Jan, 2014


Since our last report we have managed a few more Charters. Monday was our last day offshore, just before the Southeast wind kicked in.We are now in a typical Summer pattern of weather, but hopefully we can manage a few more trips this month.

Over the last week our catches were good for this time of the year. We mainly fished the inshore reefs, where we managed to pick up some good Squire, Pearl Perch, Parrot, Dolphin Fish, Moses Perch and a few Parrot. On another trip to wider grounds quite a lot of Fish were landed but no Monsters .Our main catch was Snappery Squire, followed by Moses Perch, Parrot, Maori Cod,with the odd Sweetlip and Hussar. 


Our next trip is Saturday which is dependent on weather and we have 2 vacancies. During Feb, Mar and April we will probably not operate as we will take a break during this period. This is usually our worst period of bad weather. Our last trip is scheduled for 9th of Feb. To those that supported us once again this year a big thankyou and a Happy New Year to you all.